To realize a true balance sampling receiver and resolve the pulse leakage of template signal in former receivers, a novel sampling-head is proposed. 为实现一种真正平衡的采样接收机,并解决以往接收机存在的采样模板脉冲泄漏问题,设计了一种新的平衡采样头。
The effective diffraction spectral width of the incident pulse with polarization perpendicular to the incident plane was larger than that of the pulse with parallel polarization state, and with a relatively long pulse duration the diffraction efficiency of the former was larger than that of the latter. 当入射脉冲的偏振方向垂直于入射面时,光栅的有效衍射谱宽大于偏振方向平行于入射面的情形,衍射效率在入射脉冲宽度较大时小于偏振方向平行于入射面的情形;
PSPICE simulation of subnanosecond bipolar pulse former based on integrated Chopping-Peaking switches 基于Chopping-Peaking开关组合的亚纳秒双极化器的PSPICE模拟
Research on Theory and Application of Oil-Damping's Half-Sine Force Pulse Former 油阻尼半正弦波力脉冲成形器理论与应用
Approach to Theoretical Elastic Characteristic of Standard Force Pulse Former 标准力脉冲成形器的理论弹性特性曲线探讨
Research on Theory and Application of Reed Final Peak Saw-Tooth Shock Pulse Former 簧片式后峰锯齿波力脉冲成形机理及其装置的研究
Shooting experiments on step pulse and burst square pulse show that the data generated by the former has higher resolution. 实验中进行了激发震源实验,激发震源采用的是阶跃脉冲和窄方波脉冲,结果表明前者所获资料的分辨率较高;
Fluorosilicate Electrodepositing Cadmium-Lead Alloy Comparison study between pulse electrodepositing and galvanostatic electrodepositing indicated that the deposit properties of the former were better than the latter. 氟硅酸盐体系电沉积铅镉合金的研究用脉冲电沉积代替常规的直流电沉积进行铅镉合金的电沉积,表观状态比较表明,脉冲电沉积所得镀层质量较直流法有明显改善。
The results of surgical treatment indicated that pulmonary pulse pressure ( Pps-D) and pulmonary-to-systemic flow ratio ( Qp/ Qs) can most obviously reflect the degree of pulmonary damage, and the former is more direct and visible. 结果认为:肺动脉压差P(ps-D)及肺体循环血流量比(Qp/Q3)最能反映肺损害情况,且肺动脉压差更为直观、方便。
This project has the advantages such as low cost, simple structure and so on, and can be used to prove the principle of pulse amplification modulation as the former preparation of the research. 该方案具有成本较低,结构简单等优点,可用于验证脉冲调制原理方案,并作为该项研究的前期准备。
Approach to Dynamic Simulation of Oil-damping ′ s Final Peak Saw-tooth Shock Pulse Former 油阻尼后峰锯齿波冲击脉冲发生器动态仿真探讨
This paper presents the chopping-peaking type high power bipolar pulse former, and studies its operating principle. The bipolar pulses with different forms are gained through adjusting the conduction time. 设计研制了一种choppingpeaking组合开关型高功率双极脉冲形成装置,通过调节两个开关的导通时刻来得到不同形状的双极脉冲。
The results showed that, the effect of demulsification by high voltage pulse discharge plasma was better than by high voltage, the highest demulsification rate of the latter one was 66.14%, and the former one achieved 84.34%. 结果表明高压脉冲放电等离子体破乳比单纯的高压电破乳效果好,后者达到的最大破乳率为66.14%,而前者可达到84.34%。